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Transcript Excerpts
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Skin Care |

for more info about this Spotlight Company |
Episode # |
102 |
Show |
National #11 |
Airdates |
March - Aug |
Programming Schedule
for specific airtimes) |
New botanical skin care products using chitosan
offer hope for obtaining smoother, healthier, younger looking
skin. Chitosan naturally removes the tiny pockets of fat and
fluids from around the mouth, chin, neck and eyes.
Pannache uses a pharmaceutical grade of chitosan found only
off the south coast of Japan. It is combined with a patented cold
stabilized aloe vera base that guides the essential botanicals
deep into the skin. These natural botanicals purge impurities
from skin and aid in the restoration and rejuvenation of skin
cells and muscle tissue. Pannache claims they have the safest,
most effective skin care product line available today.
Broadcast Excerpts
1. Testimonials |
After the first time I used the Pannache, the botanical face lift
product that I like so much, um I noticed an impressive difference
in my skin and that I felt like the to me, the color, the appearance
was much improved.
I've never had a product that's given me such a remarkable you know
after the first time use, uh change in my face.
This is definitely a step uh everyone should take before their thinking
of anything more drastic.
Um I've tried several different products um I must admit it was excellent,
right from the start.
The difference in my forehead cause I had such horrible deep lines
across my forehead and when as soon as I took the product off, I noticed
a difference then.
I, like, count the minutes when I can do this. Uh after you put the
baby to bed and you're done with dinner and you're, you just want
to relax for a minute, this is the best thing you can do for yourself.
It's so relaxing.
It was the weirdest thing; it was, very, it was just so unusual. It
really felt like there was a lot of stuff going on.
If you are looking for a product that really works that gives you
instant result and it gives you a lot of sensation too. That is Pannache
by Paula. |
2. Introduction |
Introducing the new alternative to plastic surgery. An all-natural,
non-surgical face-lift from a botanical based product that reduces
and eliminates the appearance of aging. Pannache The natural botanical
way to ageless skin care. |
3. Candy |
As I travel the country, I meet people all the time who open their
hearts and share their stories, their dreams, and their lives with
me. It's what I enjoy most about my career as a gospel singer.
But the constant travel, the live performances, the recording sessions,
and the business side of my career can be both physically and emotionally
draining. As a result, I've learned to take care of my health, which
certainly includes an intelligent approach to skin care.
The Pannache line of all natural skin care products not only gives
me immediate results, but right in with my hectic daily schedule.
And friends tell me my skin is now younger looking. I recently visited
with my good friend Paula Parker to learn more about this amazing
skin care system. |
4. Paula/ Candy interview |
Hi Paula, tell us why you decided to develop the Pannache the Non-Surgical
Face Lift?
Hi Candy, I travel so much as you well know. It's one airplane to
another airplane, one climate to another climate, one city to another
city, time zones, all of that shows such wear and tear on the body
and the face. So it became a passion for me to develop a line that
would eliminate that. We've done it with Pannache.
Now tell us, what were your primary objectives when you developed
the products?
The first objective, Candy, was it must be pharmaceutical grade, verses
cosmetic grade raw ingredients, more expensive, well worth it. The
second thing was it had to be able to work in a short period of time.
Today's woman does not have a block of time to devote to looking good.
And the third thing was, it must produce immediate results. We accomplished
all three.
Well I know my experience, but tell us what someone can expect the
first time they try the Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift?
Oh that's easy, it's like a thousand tiny fingers crawling up your
neck, your face, over your eye lids and it just eliminates the dead
dry skin cells, it reenergizes the face, the muscle tissue, it's phenomenal,
it's fabulous. You drop years off your face immediately. |
5. Testimonials |
The natural uh botanical parts of uh the Pannache that they are offering
is so much better than what we have on the market now.
It's very important for me to have natural ingredients in the products
that I put on my skin. You notice the difference right away.
Um I like the fact that it's based in Aloe Vera and it's all-natural
And to be able to have a natural product that you can put on your
face anytime and get that instant, you know, revitalized uh face,
um I think is is a real plus. |
6. Candy/ Paula interview |
Why was it so important for you to develop a skin care product
with all natural ingredients?
Candy, I'm so frustrated by the messages that we are sending out today,
we're describing the perfect nose, the perfect jaw line, the perfect
body, the perfect face. What is perfect? So it became very important
to me that we send a new message that we are a natural all botanical
based line, that's extremely important.
So Paula, why did you use Aloe Vera instead of say water in your formula?
Candy, when I was researching, I found that most all of the product
lines out there today are a water base, you simply don't get the on
going, lasting results with water that you get with aloe.
Now can an all natural product uh reach the same results, as say one
with an artificial ingredient?
No question, in fact we do it better because what we are doing is
we are reenergizing the muscle tone, we are going to bring back cell
regeneration, so we are doing this naturally, we are not doing it
artificially and having it to be re-done over and over. |
7. Use Demonstration |
Pannache skin care features a complete line of all-natural botanical
based products. Depending on your skin type, the Botanical Cleanser
or Wash should be used on a daily basis to remove traces of make-up,
oil, dirt and bacteria. At least once a week, mix the Face Lift treatment
with the Face-lift activator to create a soothing facial. Follow up
with the Acti-Plex Anti-Aging Complex to support the natural restoration
of skin cells and muscle. Finally, depending on your skin type, apply
the Hydrating or the oil free moisture crøme to nourish and protect
the skin. Use Pannache on a regular basis for the appearance of younger
looking, healthier skin. |
8. Candy intro of lab |
All Pannache products feature natural plant extracts, with pure aloe
vera as the base. Anti oxidants and state of the art raw materials
help fight premature aging and the harmful effects of the sun, while
enhancing muscle tome and elasticity. The result is skin that looks
younger, healthier and more vibrant.
Dr. Said Bartos with 45 years experience as a chemist, and a 25 year
master of product formulation reveals the secrets of Pannache. |
9. Lab Profile |
Doctor Bartos, when I came to you, I asked you to create the very
best product that is on the market today. That was your challenge.
Optimal results in a minimum amount of time. How did you do that?
Dr. Bartos:
I accept Paula your challenge and that's why I use aloe vera as a
base for all your product. Because aloe vera is more effective than
water because it contains a lot of enzymes, contains vitamins, it
contains a lot of nutrients to the skin. That's why we make aloe vera
is the base for your product.
In listening to you Dr. Bartos I've heard the term cosmetic grade
raw ingredient, Pharmaceutical grade raw ingredient. What's the difference
and what do we use?
Dr. Bartos:
The pharmaceutical grade is much purer than the uh cosmetic grade
and it is produced under more strict conditions in the manufacturer.
That's why because I want Pannache product has the best ingredients
I use the pharmaceutical grade.
Tell me about the acti-plex and what you did.
Dr. Bartos:
Acti-plex is a very unique product, it has ingredient naturally and
one of the property of this ingredient is that it tightens the skin.
And that's why you have this effect of the ingredient. Plus all the
aloe vera ingredient in it, it gives nutrient to the skin so your
skin will be tighter, your skin will be healthy, your skin will be
vibrant. |
10. Testimonials |
I uh had a very good friend um that was familiar with the product
and asked me if I would like to try it. So I said, well if it's going
to help me look better, sure. So I received the samples in the mail
and I used the product that night and I have to say I think there
was a dramatic difference the next day. It was, it was just incredible.
My skin was firmer and smoother and definitely softer to the touch.
I mean its still, after continued use it feels really great.
After the Pannache was applied and we took it off, it felt very tingly,
it felt stimulated um I could see uh there was color to the skin where
there wasn't before.
The pores were finer, I noticed that right away and I also definitely
noticed that the lines around my eyes and around my mouth had uh softened
considerably, immediately.
The lines in my forehead used to be real deep and very very noticeable
and they're like almost not noticeable at all anymore, it's wonderful.
I washed it off and put on the Acti-plex cream and a moisturizer and
it was incredible, even just that first, first opportunity I had to
use it. |
11. Introduction |
Introducing the new alternative to plastic surgery. An all-natural,
non-surgical face-lift from a botanical based product that reduces
and eliminates the appearance of aging. Pannache The natural botanical
way to ageless skin care. |
12. Candy |
I've enjoyed a wonderful career as a
gospel singer, and met countless people in cities all
across the country. Performing on stage in front of an
audience can be absolutely exhilarating. But life on the
road can be exhausting. Over the years, I've learned to
balance my busy times with some quiet retreats for rest
and reflection. It was during one of these breaks that I
spent time with my friend Paula Parker, who have me a gift
of several of her wonderful products. Well, the results
were immediate. And I noticed a real difference, literally
overnight. And my friends say I now have younger looking
That's why I recently paid a return visit to Paula's home to learn
more about her amazing line of Pannache skin care products. |
13. Paula/ Candy interview |
The first time that I used Pannache I was tired, my face was tired
and my skin looked tired and I used the non-surgical face-lift and
I felt completely exhilarated. Not only exhilarated but excited that
I had found something that could change my skin so quickly.
Candy, It's phenomenal, you can expect to see all of the dead skin
cells, they go away, then the skin tone looks clearer, brighter. We
energize the muscle tone we just rejuvenate the look, we take years
off your face. |
14. Testimonial |
My first experience was a lot of fun actually, of course I was home
by myself and I mixed this up and painted it on my face an uh thought
well you know I'll lay down and I'll watch TV during the 25 minutes
that it dries and works so forth and uh I laid there and it got dryer
and tighter and I thought oh man I don't know about this but anyway
I washed it off and put on the Acti-plex cream and a moisturizer and
it was incredible even just that first, first opportunity I had to
use it. |
15. Call To Action |
The Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system is a magical product. It's
the natural, botanical way to ageless skin care. Call right now to
take advantage of this exclusive TV offer, and receive this entire
skin-care treatment for one low price.
The Non-Surgical Face Lift begins with the Botanical Treatment and
the Botanical Activator. When mixed together, you'll create a facial
that delivers immediate results. Tiny lines disappear. Softer skin
is yours. You'll see a difference with the very first application.
The Pannache facial is then followed by the Acti-Plex Anti-Aging Complex.
A unique formula that absorbs 3 layers deep into the skin to fight
premature aging, and to support the natural restoration of skin cells
and muscle.
These three Pannache products together sell for $200 a real value
when you consider the costs and extreme measures of surgery or laser
procedures. But for TV viewers who call this toll-free number right
now, this special Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system can be yours
for the greatly reduced price of only $99.00. This is an exclusive
offer extended only to TV viewers who act right now.
And we have added an attractive Caboodle, valued at an additional
$20. It's our free gift to you. But there's more! As an added bonus,
you'll receive the Pannache Sunless Tanning cream or lotion a $25
value absolutely free.
It's your free gift for trying this amazing line of all-natural botanical-based
skin-care products. Pannache-The Natural Botanical Way to Ageless
Skin Care!
I'm so confident you will see immediate results with the Pannache
Non-Surgical Face Lift that I'm willing to put my personal guarantee
on it. If you don't see younger, softer looking skin within 30 days,
I'll refund your purchase. And you keep the Sunless Tanning lotion
as my gift to you. You have nothing to lose that way, and everything
to gain, younger, softer, beautiful skin.
Pannache--the natural botanical way to ageless skin care. |
16. Testimonials |
I had uh a pregnancy mask form my last
pregnancy, which involved dark circles around my upper
cheekbones and my forehead. And I have noticed with
continued applications of this product that those uh dark
areas have started to fade.
Since I start using the product I start noticing that there is less
lines, underneath my eyes there are less, or actually the dark, the
dark spot vanished, it disappear and I feel I have a healthy skin.
My skin was so dry and leathery feeling, really tough; um it's not
anymore. It's wonderful it's been, it's made a marvelous change in
my skin. |
17. Candy/Paula |
I absolutely love Pannache; tell me why you decided to develop Pannache
The Non-Surgical Face Lift?
Oh Candy, you know as much traveling as I do, it's one airplane to
another airplane, one city to another city, climate to climate, I
know first hand the damage that it does to the skin and the exhaustion
and the way the skin looks. So it became a passion of mine to create
a skin care line that would eliminate those problems.
What were your primary objectives in developing your product?
Oh that's easy I had three. My first objective was it was necessary
and totally a demand, that we use only pharmaceutical grade cosmetic
ingredients, raw ingredients verses the
cosmetic ingredient, of course that costs a little more, but that
was not, the objective was the very best that we could have. The second
objective was that it had to only take a minimal amount of time. Today's
women does not have blocks of time up, we're all very busy. And the
third with out question it had to produce immediate results. We want
it now and we're worth it.
That's good, I know what I felt the first time I used Pannache, but
tell us what someone can expect to see in the mirror the first time
they use it?
Oh phenomenal, amazing results you just feel like you have tiny fingers
crawling up your neck, your face over your eyelids, it's fascinating
and what is so fabulous, when you look in the mirror you have lost
years off of your face. |
18. Use Demonstration |
Pannache skin care features a complete line of all-natural botanical
based products. Depending on your skin type, the Botanical Cleanser
or Wash should be used on a daily basis to remove traces of make-up,
oil, dirt and bacteria. At least once a week, mix the Face Lift treatment
with the Face-lift activator to create a soothing facial. Follow up
with the Acti-Plex Anti-Aging Complex to support the natural restoration
of skin cells and muscle. Finally, depending on your skin type, apply
the Hydrating or the oil free moisture crøme to nourish and protect
the skin. Use Pannache on a regular basis for the appearance of younger
looking, healthier skin. |
19. Call To Action |
The Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system is a magical product. It's
the natural, botanical way to ageless skin care. Call right now to
take advantage of this exclusive TV offer, and receive this entire
skin-care treatment for one low price.
The Non-Surgical Face Lift begins with the Botanical Treatment and
the Botanical Activator. When mixed together, you'll create a facial
that delivers immediate results. Tiny lines disappear. Softer skin
is yours. You'll see a difference with the very first application.
The Pannache facial is then followed by the Acti-Plex Anti-Aging Complex.
A unique formula that absorbs 3 layers deep into the skin to fight
premature aging, and to support the natural restoration of skin cells
and muscle.
These three Pannache products together sell for $200 a real value
when you consider the costs and extreme measures of surgery or laser
procedures. But for TV viewers who call this toll-free number right
now, this special Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system can be yours for the greatly reduced price of only $99.00. This is an
exclusive offer extended only to TV viewers who act right now.
And we have added an attractive Caboodle,
valued at an additional $20. It's our free gift to you.
But there's more! As an added bonus, you'll receive the Pannache Sunless
Tanning cream or lotion a $25 value absolutely free.
It's your free gift for trying this amazing line of all-natural botanical-based
skin-care products. Pannache-The Natural Botanical Way to Ageless
Skin Care!
I'm so confident that you will see immediate results with the Pannache
Non-Surgical Face Lift that I'm willing to put my personal guarantee
on it. If you don't witness younger-looking skin after only 30 days,
I'll refund your purchase. And you keep the Sunless Tanning lotion
as my gift to you. You have nothing to lose that way, and everything
to gain, softer, younger, beautiful skin.
PannacheÄthe natural botanical way to ageless skin care. |
20. Testimonials |
The tightening is like nothing you can;
you can believe it really is just a pulling of the face
and tightening um around the skin. It's, It's incredible
This one is really so different it's more different than, than anything
I've ever experienced. It's an experience to use this mask.
I put this on and it was, I mean, it was a
very, very intense sensation and that is what told me that
something was going on. Of course it wasn't till after it
was taken off that I could actually see the results.
Yes, it does truly work! |
21. Introduction |
Introducing the new alternative to plastic surgery. An all-natural,
non-surgical face-lift from a botanical based product that reduces
and eliminates the appearance of aging. Pannache The natural botanical
way to ageless skin care. |
22. Candy |
If there's one thing I truly enjoy through my career as a gospel singer,
it's meeting the wonderful people who come and see me perform in cities
all across the country.
Performing on stage in front of an audience can be absolutely exhilarating.
But life on the read can also be exhausting. As a result, I've learned
to take care of my health, which certainly includes an intelligent
approach to skin care.
Now, whenever I have the opportunity, I tell the friends I meet about
the Pannache line of skin care products, with its all-natural botanical
based formula. The bottom line is it works! The first time I used
Pannache, I noticed a real difference the very next day. I paid a
visit to my friend Paula Parker to learn more about her amazing product. |
23. Candy/ Paula interview |
Why was it so important to you, to use all natural ingredients in
Candy, I'm so frustrated with the message that we are giving out today.
It's all about perfection, the perfect eyes, perfect nose, the perfect
mouth, and the perfect body. What is acceptable, what is perfect?
So it became a passion for me to want to give out a new message and
we do that through an all-natural base botanical line.
Now, talk to me about aloe vera as a basis for your products, instead
of say, maybe water.
That's so simple. Aloe works. Water, as I researched product lines
I found that water is the base of most lines. It simply does not give
the lasting effect that aloe gives us.
Can an all-natural formula achieve the same results as one fortified
with artificial ingredients?
Absolutely, and we do it better because we are regenerating cell growth,
we're plumping up muscle tissue, we're bringing back a healthy glow,
so yes we do it better. |
24. Call to Action |
The Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system is a magical product. It's
the natural, botanical way to ageless skin care. Call right now to
take advantage of this exclusive TV offer, and receive this entire
skin-care treatment for one low price.
The Non-Surgical Face Lift begins with the Botanical Treatment and
the Botanical Activator. When mixed together, you'll create a facial
that delivers immediate results. Tiny lines disappear. Softer skin
is yours. You'll see a difference with the very first application.
The Pannache facial is then followed by the Acti-Plex Anti-Aging Complex.
A unique formula that absorbs 3 layers deep into the skin to fight
premature aging, and to support the natural restoration of skin cells
and muscle.
These three Pannache products together sell for $200 a real value
when you consider the costs and extreme measures of surgery or laser
procedures. But for TV viewers who call this toll-free number right
now, this special Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system can be yours
for the greatly reduced price of only $99.00. This is an exclusive
offer extended only to TV viewers who act right now.
And we have added an attractive Caboodle,
valued at an additional $20. It's our free gift to you.
But there's more! As an added bonus, you'll receive the Pannache Sunless
Tanning cream or lotion a $25 value absolutely free.
It's your free gift for trying this amazing line of all-natural botanical-based
skin-care products. Pannache-The Natural Botanical Way to Ageless
Skin Care!
I'm so confident you will see immediate results with the Pannache
Non-Surgical Face Lift that I'm willing to put my personal guarantee
on it. If you don't see younger, softer looking skin after only 30
days, I'll refund your purchase. And you keep the Sunless Tanning
lotion as my gift to you. You have nothing to lose that way, and everything
to gain, younger, softer, beautiful skin.
PannacheÄthe natural botanical way to ageless skin care. |
25. Testimonials |
I uh had a very good friend um that was familiar with the product
and asked me if I would like to try it. So I said, well if it's going
to help me look better, sure. So I received the samples in the mail
and I used the product that night and I have to say I think there
was a dramatic difference the next day. It was, it was just incredible.
My skin was firmer and smoother and definitely softer to the touch.
I mean its still, after continued use it feels really great.
After the Pannache was applied and we took it off, it felt very tingley,
it felt stimulated um I could see uh there was color to the skin where
there wasn't before.
The pores were finer, I noticed that right away and I also definitely
noticed that the lines around my eyes and around my mouth had softened
considerably, immediately.
The lines in my forehead used to be real deep and very very noticeable
and they're like almost not noticeable at all anymore, it's wonderful.
I washed it off and put on the Acti-plex cream and a moisturizer and
it was incredible, even just that first, first opportunity I had to
use it. |
26. Use Demonstration |
Pannache skin care features a complete line of all-natural botanical
based products. Depending on your skin type, the Botanical Cleanser
or Wash should be used on a daily basis to remove traces of make-up,
oil, dirt and bacteria. At least once a week, mix the Face Lift treatment
with the Face-lift activator to create a soothing facial. Follow up
with the Acti-Plex Anti-Aging Complex to support the natural restoration
of skin cells and muscle. Finally, depending on your skin type, apply
the Hydrating or the oil free moisture crøme to nourish and protect
the skin. Use Pannache on a regular basis for the appearance of younger
looking, healthier skin. |
27. Testimonial |
Everyday or every holidays I say thank you Paula for Pannache, not
because of your product than I would have this healthy skin today. |
28. Call To Action |
The Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system is a magical product. It's
the natural, botanical way to ageless skin care. Call right now to
take advantage of this exclusive TV offer, and receive this entire
skin-care treatment for one low price.
The Non-Surgical Face Lift begins with the Botanical Treatment and
the Botanical Activator. When mixed together, you'll create a facial
that delivers immediate results. Tiny lines disappear. Softer skin
is yours. You'll see a difference with the very first application.
The Pannache facial is then followed by the Acti-Plex Anti-Aging Complex.
A unique formula that absorbs 3 layers deep into the skin to fight
premature aging, and to support the natural restoration of skin cells
and muscle.
These three Pannache products together sell for $200 a real value
when you consider the costs and extreme measures of surgery or laser
procedures. But for TV viewers who call this toll-free number right
now, this special Pannache Non-Surgical Face Lift system can be
yours for the greatly reduced price of only $99.00. This is an exclusive
offer extended only to TV viewers who act right now.
And we have added an attractive Caboodle,
valued at an additional $20. It's our free gift to you.
But there's more! As an added bonus, you'll receive the Pannache Sunless
Tanning cream or lotion a $25 value absolutely free.
It's your free gift for trying this amazing line of all-natural botanical-based
skin-care products. Pannache-The Natural Botanical Way to Ageless
Skin Care!
I'm so confident you will see immediate results with the Pannache
Non-Surgical Face Lift that I'm willing to put my personal guarantee
on it. If you don't see younger, softer looking skin after only 30
days, I'll refund your purchase. And you keep the Sunless Tanning
lotion as my gift to you. You have nothing to lose that way, and everything
to gain, younger, softer, beautiful skin.
Pannache--the natural botanical way to ageless skin care. |
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