Episode #: 116
Show: National 10
Airdates: Mar - Aug (see Programming Schedule for specific airtimes)


Business people help poverty-stricken children

The terrorist attacks of September 11 changed lives. One outcome of the change is the realization by hard-driving business people that they need to contribute to the world around them. World Vision, a humanitarian relief organization that helps poverty-stricken children worldwide, is discovering support from a group that has been under-represented in the past: young business people and their corporations.


1. News Set Intro

Terri Merryman & Mark Kriski On camera

Bkgrd grfx: girl, look of despair



On camera


Grfx: business people






On camera

War. Poverty. Hunger. Children around the world are victims. Children suffer in poverty and despair; too often, they are abused, exploited, neglected. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell draws a direct relationship between poverty, oppression, and the spread of terrorism. The success of terrorist leaders depends on the poor and uneducated.

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11th, sociologists have noticed a "wake-up call" of sorts, as hard-driving business people look at the world in different terms. The Christian Science Monitor says the September eleventh terrorist attacks triggered a wave of charitable giving, and Business Today reports the attacks have increased an interest in philanthropy. Business people see that children are the world’s future. Not only is the devastating condition of so many children heartbreaking, it also contributes to societies filled with rage, resentment and unrest.

Concerned and compassionate business people and corporations now recognize that, if they do not support efforts to help needy children around the world, children not only suffer, they die. Through child sponsorship, corporations and individuals have enabled the success of efforts to fight childhood poverty, abuse, and neglect.

With a look at this tremendous problem and the effort that goes into fighting it, here is Kim Reimland.


02.On camera Open
Background: Attack on World Trade Center

Location: Seattle: inner-city youth outreach center?




Grphx: Logo of WORLD BANK


Grphx: Logo of the UNITED NATIONS



Grphx: Logo of WORLD VISION with 800-708-7655-or- Building signage





Question 1A

Location: Office 

Question 2A


Question 3A

September 11, 2001. The attacks on the United States changed the lives of everyone, striking especially hard at corporate America. Since the attacks, business people and corporations have become passionate about increasing their efforts to make a difference in the world through child sponsorships to help fight hunger, poverty , disease, and the death of children. 

The problem is huge. 

The World Bank estimates that nearly one quarter of the world's population lives in poverty.

The United Nations estimates that, throughout developing countries around the world, one out of every three children does not complete five years of education ­ the very minimum necessary for basic literacy. 

World Vision reports that children are the most vulnerable victims of poverty. Childhood poverty has life-long and perpetuating effects on minds, bodies, and society overall. In today's global economy, the destructive impact of poverty on children means tremendous loss of economic potential, instability in the marketplace and governments, and great human suffering. World Vision reports that when children are fed, sheltered, schooled, and protected, their societies thrive.

CORRESPONDENT: What is the impact of poverty on children?

CORRESPONDENT: What is the impact of poverty-stricken children on society as a whole?

CORRESPONDENT: What does a businessperson or corporation do about these problems?


Footage: Children in distress; relief efforts (medicine, food, education)


grfx : "No water, healthcare, housing, food, education, income"; "$1 a day"; "1.2 billion people"; "600 million children"; "40% of all children live in poverty"




Poverty has many faces. Families are considered "poor" because they do not have such basic necessities as water, healthcare, housing, food, education, or income. A common measurement used worldwide to determine poverty is living on less than one dollar a day. There are 1.2 [B]illion poor in the world, and half of them are children. That means 600 [M]illion people under the age of 18 struggle to survive on less than $1 a day -- a staggering 40% of all children in developing countries. 


 On camera Open

Location: inner-city youth outreach center (preferred) ­or- WV office

Grfx: World Vision Logo with 800-708-7655




Question 1BLocation: 
hdqtrs with poster subliminal display of 800-708-7655 behind person

Question 2B


Question 3B

Studies of poverty throughout the world show that the poor among us are less likely to have access to basic social services of education, health, shelter, and nutrition. Much of the world has no basic services. This has a profound impact on children. Even during the robust economies of the 1990s, the poorest people in all countries, whether rich country or developing country, got poorer. The poorest among us suffered a decline in their standard of living. Relief organizations are stepping in to provide critically needed aid.

CORRESPONDENT: What types of projects does World Vision undertake?

CORRESPONDENT: What does "child-focused" mean?

CORRESPONDENT: Do World Vision projects create dependence on outside resources?

04On camera
Location: WV Headquarters

Background: historical footage from World Vision





QUESTION 1C(Reource: WF Website FAQ) Placard displaying 800--708-7655 behind person





World Vision, a Christian humanitarian organization, was founded by Dr. Bob Pierce in response to the needs of Korean War orphans. Since then it has spread to nearly one hundred countries, including the U.S. Many countries where World Vision first brought hope, now raise funds to enable World Vision to bring aid to other countries. World Vision has found that the best way to bring lasting change to a needy child, family, and community is through child sponsorship.

CORRESPONDENT: What is the goal of World Vision?
INDUSTRY SPOKESPERSON: (Helping communities…) 

CORRESPONDENT: How does World Vision pursue its goals?
INDUSTRY SPOKESPERSON: (integrated, holistic commitment…) 

CORRESPONDENT: What are the values World Vision holds to?
INDUSTRY SPOKESPERSON: (six core values…) 

05On camera







On Camera Throw to News Desk

World governments, political movements, industries, and economic advisors work to make changes in the world. However, every day, children are dying because of poverty. Individuals and corporations are contributing to effective organizations such as World Vision, which is proven to help children survive poverty and lead productive lives. People who choose to sponsor children help make the world a better place for all of us, one life at a time. 

Reporting from Seattle for Business World News, I'm <correspondent name>.

1) Logo to have 800-708-7655 prominently integrated and visible
3) Can this claim be supported in any way??
4) 24.0% living below $1 per day in developing countries for 1998 (World Bank, 1999)
5) "Absorbing social shocks, protecting children, and eliminating poverty" UNICEF 2001
6) All graphics to credit World Vision as source; include LOGO with integrated 800-708-7655 as part of graphic 
7) ibid.
8) "Who is World Vision?" (1)
9) "Who is World Vision?" (2)
10) "Who is World Vision?" (3)

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