
Health World News airs News about Health Organizations, Products and Health Services around the World
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Compression therapy |
Compression therapy takes pain relief to the next level.
Whether you are recovering from surgery, injury, a hard workout, or just the stress of daily living, a new, noninvasive, innovative compression therapy can help promote healing and get you back to everyday life.
Mueller Sports Medicine introduces Mueller REVIVE, a pneumatic compression therapy system that helps improve circulation and reduce swelling. Mueller REVIVE has a battery powered device that pumps air into inflatable boots, applying precise pressure to help promote fluid movement and enhance the body’s natural circulation. By gradually compressing and releasing the legs, the Mueller REVIVE device and garments work together to help speed recovery and reduce pain by flushing out lymphatic waste and toxins.
Mueller REVIVE is backed by 40 years of medical expertise and is medically proven to help reduce pain.
Athletes, truck drivers, construction workers, nurses, travelers, senior citizens and more have noticed results immediately; they claim a reduction in pain and increased hope and confidence for further recovery.
Mueller REVIVE brings the benefits of compression therapy to everyone.
Visit wwwmuellerrevive.comto learn more.
Arthritis |
Arthritis—a medical condition characterized by chronic and sometimes debilitating joint pain—is the leading cause of disability in the United States according to the Arthritis Foundation.
Additionally, this condition currently afflicts roughly 54 million adult Americans, with this number expected to rise to 78 million by the year 2040.
In an effort to relieve this chronic pain and improve their quality of life without having to rely on what are oftentimes highly addictive painkillers, many arthritis patients are seeking alternative treatments.
Many are finding these positive results with CBD products.
For more info go to www.drugscience.org/cbd-for-arthritis
Seasons of Beauty |
Seasons of Beauty |
Seasons of Beauty is a certified toxic-free skincare system that uses nature’s most potent bioactive extracts for your best skin ever. Seasons of Beauty uses propriety breakthrough botanicals that assist in removing toxins that are trapped in your pores, leaving your skin hydrated, youthful, and radiant. The system uses a revolutionary cactus stem cell extract, which locks in and retains optimum level of moisture, so your skin looks smoother, healthier and beautiful.
Cactus stem cells have the incredible ability to retain moisture. That’s how cactus plants remains green in the extreme dry, scorching desert heat. The skincare system includes the glacial purifier radiant facial cleanser, hydrating herbal rain serum, the luminous dew cactus stem cell rejuvenation cream, and an activated charcoal mask. Finally, A truly toxic-free skincare system that really works!
NO Parabens, Phthalates, Chlorine, Toluene, Dimethicone, Synthetic Fragrance, Endocrine Disrupters
For more info go to www.seasonsofbeautyskincare.com or call 800-768-4699.
SodaStream |
SodaStream |
SodaStream TV Commercial, 'How To Quit Sugary Soda With a Few Pfff & Psss'
Remembering to stay hydrated can easily be forgotten – especially during the holidays. The Fizzi One Touch has you covered so you can juggle holiday shopping and decorating while increasing healthy hydration* — just at the touch of a button. With three levels of automatic carbonation, you can perfectly customize your sparkling water and there’s no worry of accidentally fizzing all over yourself. The Fizzi One Touch retails for $129.99.
Bio Coffee |
Bio Coffee |
Coffee Can Be Good or Bad for Your Health: What to Know Now
A majority of Americans drink coffee daily, with an average of about three cups a day, according to a Harvard School of Public Health. With all those cups of Joe being downed nationwide, it’s important to consider the beverage’s potential effects on your health.
Science indicates there are some substantial health benefits to drinking coffee regularly. Various studies have suggested that drinking coffee regularly could decrease the risk of heart disease and stroke, lower the risk for developing type 2 diabetes, protect against gallstones and lower the risk of developing Parkinson’s Disease.
However, it’s important to note that because of its caffeine content, coffee intake should be moderated. Its acidity can also impact issues like bone and muscle deterioration, and kidney stones. Conventional coffee can also raise cholesterol levels when regularly prepared French press or Espresso style.Read More
For these reasons, many people are rethinking the types of coffee they drink in order to avoid particular health concerns. For example, unlike a conventional acidic cup of coffee, Bio Coffee is alkaline, caffeine-free and made with wheatgrass. It contains three to five servings of vegetables in one cup of coffee, as well as six grams of fiber -- approximately 25 percent of the recommended daily amount. It also provides a natural source of pre- and probiotics for better digestive health. To learn more about its health benefits, visit biocoffee.com.
“With so many people failing to eat enough vegetables, drinking your greens in the form of coffee may be one of the most convenient ways to get one’s daily dose in addition to a variety of other health benefits,” says Medical Doctor, Tom Shreves, Bio Coffee drinker. “It can also help you avoid the issues associated with a typical cup of coffee.”
While most coffee lovers are unlikely to put their mugs down, Bio Coffee can provide a healthy morning ritual.
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HeyMomDad |
HeyMomDad |
HeyMomDad – The World’s First Two-Way Home Monitoring System for Seniors
It can be difficult when a family member or loved one get’s older and can no longer look after themselves like they once could. While nursing homes are an option, most are extremely expensive (over $90,000 a year), and most seniors prefer to remain in their own home with familiar surroundings. Fortunately, there is now a better option – HeyMomDad. HeyMomDad provides seniors with the independence and freedom to continue living safely in their own home, while providing the caregiver the peace of mind that comes from knowing your parents or loved one is safe. Read More
HeyMomDad is the world’s first two-way communication and wellness monitoring system for seniors. It allows loved ones to see and hear in real time that their elderly relatives are safe -- simply by opening an app on their smartphones. Seniors simply press one button to talk to a loved one, notify them if help is needed, or to just say hello. Likewise, with one tap, caregivers and loved ones can instantly see, hear and talk back to their parent through the high quality HD video and two-way audio component that’s part of the HeyMomDad system. The camera can also be controlled through the smart phone and directed to any location in the room, permitting a 270-degree view. It also includes night vision optics for clear viewing in dark rooms where lights may have been turned off.
“Most seniors are very reluctant to call 911 in an emergency because they’re embarrassed or they don’t want to cause a fuss or incur an expense -- which can be as high as $1,200, even for false alarms where paramedics were dispatched,” says health care systems expert Jack Zhang, President and CEO of the fast growing health technology company, Vitall, Inc. “HeyMomDad gives seniors two different alert options, with the choice of alerting only family and friends of a problem or alerting family, friends and 911. They get to decide!”
HeyMomDad can save your family thousands of dollars, give you greater piece of mind and improve the quality of life for you and your senior relatives. Learn more at www.HeyMomDad.com.
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Life Extension |
Life Extension |
Introducing Advanced Skin Repair with Ceramides from Life Extension
For over 35 years, Life Extension has been recognized as a global authority on health and longevity, pioneering new treatments and therapies to enhance wellness and combat the appearance of aging. Now, Life Extension has created a revolutionary, new beauty supplement that can help restore your beauty with healthier, more radiant skin. It’s called Advanced Skin Repair with Ceramides. Read More
In an industry dominated by overpriced creams and beauty tools, Life Extension presents this powerful, plant-based supplement that works unlike any cream or lotion you’ve ever tried. The secret to Advanced Skin Repair’s effectiveness is Lipowheat—the only patented, all-natural ceramide supported by years of clinical research. Instead of being applied on top of your skin, Advanced Skin Repair works from the inside out, hydrating your cells, and nourishing, moisturizing and plumping your skin, helping to promote a more radiant appearance and restore your beauty.
Advanced Skin Repair with Ceramides is a powerful, whole-body solution, helping to smooth and soften not only your complexion, but your entire body. Life Extension has already sold nearly a million bottles of the unique ceramide-building formula. Go to www.advancedskinrepair.com to order and try it for yourself. You’ll see a dramatic improvement in the look and feel of your skin—guaranteed, or Life Extension will refund your money back. Read Less
Seven Steps To Avoid Food Waste And Illness |
If your family is like most in America, you've been throwing away about $2,000 every year. That, according to the USDA Economic Research Service, is the cost of what the average family of four throws away as spoiled or suspect food. In fact, over 90 percent of Americans may be prematurely tossing food because they misinterpret expiration dates, according to the study by Harvard Law School's Food Law and Policy Clinic. Fortunately, you may not have to.... Read More
The problem is, while you don't want to waste food-and money-you don't want to get sick from eating something rotten, either. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that each year, roughly one in six Americans (or 48 million people) gets sick from food-borne illnesses.
What You Can Do
There are, however, seven steps you can take to protect your money and your life:
1. Buy only from shops that follow proper food-handling practices.
2. Keep raw meat, poultry and seafood separate from other foods.
3. Don't buy food in cans that are bulging or dented or jars that are cracked or have loose or bulging lids.
4. Don't buy frozen food if the package is open, torn or crushed on the edges.
5. Before buying eggs, see that they're clean and not cracked.
6. Remember, perishable foods should not be left at room temperature longer than two hours.
7. Don't depend on your nose alone to tell you whether an item in your refrigerator is good enough to eat. That's where an ingenious new device can come in.
The world's first handheld, Bluetooth-enabled "electronic nose" has been created that connects with iOS- and Android-powered tablets and smartphones. It samples the air near the food you're concerned about and analyzes the sample using a different algorithm depending on whether it's testing beef, poultry, pork or fish.
After extensive calculations in the cloud, it returns one of three possible results: fresh, cook well or spoiled. Independent laboratory testing found its results are 80 to 95 percent accurate.
This electronic nose is so much better than your human one because many of the volatile organic compounds emitted by spoiling food are odorless. As a result, meat and fish can be unsafe to eat but still look and smell okay.
Called the FOODsniffer, the device is available at www.myfoodsniffer.com or by calling (800) 813-3712.
Chances are, there's food in your fridge that's near, or even past, its expiration date. So should you toss it or take a chance? You may no longer have to guess.
Download high resolution photos: www.myfoodsniffer.com/media
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Alviarmani |
Alviarmani |
Alviarmani, under direction of Dr. Baubac Hayatdavoudi, is a world renowned hair restoration clinic and leaders on the most advanced technology and science in the field of hair restoration. Services are provided to treat all hair loss related concerns. These include female hair transplantation, trans-gender hair adaptation, eyebrow restoration, eyelash hair replacement, and corrective surgery for hair transplant repairs. Body hair transplantation, PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), HST (hair simulation therapy / micro pigmentation), and FUE procedures of up to 4000 grafts in one day are services that AlviArmani has pioneered at the forefront or research and development.
BioCorRx |
BioCorRx |
According to a January 2014 report from the CDC, 38 million Americans are considered heavy drinkers. Alcohol abuse costs the US economy over $220 billion a year when taking into account property damage, costs to our healthcare system, and loss of workforce productivity. From researching numerous reports, it can be estimated that anywhere from 8.1 to 12.5 million Americans suffer from alcoholism, and on any given day up to 2 million alcoholics may be receiving in-patient or outpatient treatment of some kind. BioCorRx has developed the Start Fresh Program that boasts an 85% success rate according to the clinics that use the program thanks to the use of a Naltrexone implant which virtually eliminate or significantly reduces urges to have a drink. The company supplements the use of the Naltrexone implant with life coaching to empower patients to live alcohol free lives by addressing the psycho-social aspects of their addiction. The program was recently featured on an episode of The Doctors. See www.StartFreshProgram.com or www.BioCorRx.com for more info.

Infrared heat is one of the safest forms of heat. It is even used with newborn babies. Infrared heat helps to improve circulation and does not consume oxygen or dry out the air in your home like other types of heaters.
Now there is an innovative new technology which offers the highest level of heat of any infrared heater and the highest level of energy efficiency – converting 94% of the energy consumed by the heater into heat. Compared to a competitive short-wave infrared heater, the cost to operate a heaters with Mid-wave technology is up to 50% less.
For more information: www.ufoheaters.com
Natural Biomedicine Offers Effective Pain Relief |

Natural Biomedicine Offers Effective Pain Relief
(NAPS)—Understanding what pain is and that there are safer ways of treating pain than using oral pain pills can be a painless first step in finding safe, effective relief.
When you experience pain, your body sends signals to your brain demanding attention. Pain pills block the transmission of the signals, but the source of the pain remains and your pain returns. Also, pain pills can be toxic and many cause serious side effects.
Fortunately, there is a safer way to relieve pain. Patented natural biomedicine Topricin Pain Relief and Healing Cream provides a better solution.
When you apply the cream to the affected area, specialized cells stimulate the removal of toxins and excess fluids, restoring oxygen-rich blood so your body can heal the source of your pain. The natural biomedicine is effective to relieve arthritis pain and even difficult-to-treat pain such as occurs with fibromyalgia and neuropathy, both diabetic and chemo-induced.
Topricin’s 11 biomedicines are safe for diabetics, seniors, children, and pregnant women and won’t interfere with any other medication you may be taking. The company offers a Foot Therapy Cream and a junior version for children’s aches and pains.
For more information, visit www.buytopricin.com or call 1-800-941-2985.
A natural biomedicine offers safer, effective pain relief with no side effects.
StreetStrider™ |

Taking Exercise for A Ride
When Jeffery Goddard saw someone riding something that looked like an exercise machine down the street, it was love at first sight. And a business opportunity. Click here for the rest of the story....
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Twist and Tone™ |

There is a new twist in fitness that will give you the upper hand to build strength, flexibility and muscle tone. Twist and Tone™ is a complete hand-held gym with dynamic 2-way wrist action that delivers the torque resistance of each twist right to your hand, wrist and arm muscles.
Forget products that you simply shake. Twist and Tone™ features targeted exercises to tone and tighten your triceps, biceps, chest, forearms, wrists and hands! For more info see: www.twistandtone.com |
DNA Paternity Testing |
Recent studies have shown that in the United States alone, nearly thirty eight percent of all babies are born out of wedlock and even in many marriages the identity of the natural father may sometimes be unclear. There is now an over-the-counter solution to determine paternity. The at-home paternity test takes only a few seconds; swabs of cheek cells from both the child and potential biological father are placed into two separate envelopes and mailed to the IdentiGene DNA laboratory. The results are revealed securely and confidentially. Paternity tests can help families and communities make informed decisions about a child’s welfare. It can also assist in making financial accountability clear, as well as, providing a result of strengthened relationships between parents and their children.
Website: www.dnatesting.com
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IPWG (Protecting Our Environment) |
The next time you switch a light on, give a thought to a new technology that turns wasted heat energy into electricity. The technology is called Add-Power. Owned by International Power Group Limited, it converts low-temperature "waste heat" into electricity, reduces the need for oil and has zero environmental impact. The company incorporates multiple technologies ranging from Add-Power to waste energy, which is converting commercial, hazardous organic and toxic waste into safe, reusable energy.
Website: www.international-power.com
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New Me Institute |

The New Me Surgical Institute™, (NMSI) a Medical Corporation, has become one of the premier legendary cosmetic surgery centers in Southern California known for the Award Winning Quality cosmetic surgery that their director, Dr. Shane Sheibani and his team of doctors are known to perfrom.
Website: www.drnewme.com
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Humidex |

All homeowners want to provide a safe, healthy environment for their families. But most homes lack the control mechanisms to prevent the serious health risks associated with moisture. Such as mold, dust mites and infestation. Moisture accumulates from natural activities such as washing and breathing. It saturates a home's structure, especially in basements and crawl spaces where it gets damp and odorous. The problem often begins there and works its way up throughout the house. A device called Humidex can help. Unlike a dehumidifier, which is limited to a small area. Humidex will naturally transform the conditions in the entire house. It reduces relative humidity, dries out the entire structure and circulates the air so that moisture does not stagnate and saturate the home. There are no buckets of water to dump or filters to change and it only cost pennies a day to run. In addition, the Humidex expels harmful gases and toxins
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Holmes Bio Pharma |
It may soon cost less to bring a number of new drugs to market-and both investors and consumers have taken notice. The costs may be lower thanks to a bio-tech company that contracts with large pharmaceuticals and generic drug-makers to control research expenses and safely speed new drugs to the shelves. Called Holmes BioPharma, the company's first-year revenue will exceed ten million dollars-A mark other biotechs can take years to reach.
Website: www.holmesbiopharma.com
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Valumed |
ValuMed is an expense-incurred medical program that provides limited benefits in a more traditional format. The program is designed only for employees in certain industries without access to medical coverage, including part-timers, hourly employees, as well as irregularly-scheduled, high turnover and/or seasonal employees.
Website: www.valubenefits.com/Producers/ValuMed.html
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Sinobiomed |
Sinobiomed Inc. is a leading Chinese developer of recombinant protein drugs. A combination of advanced technology and expertise enables the company to produce safe, high-yield, high-efficacy recombinant protein drugs at extremely low cost. Sinobiomed employs a patented low-cost, high-yield production process to enhance bioactivity and guarantee the highest levels of purity. Sinobiomed's research team has developed strong strategic alliances with leading Chinese research hospitals and institutes for collaborative development of patented and patentable techniques and treatments.
Website: www.sinobiomed.com
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Swiss Medica |
Transcript |
O24™ Pain Neutralizer & O24 Fibromyalgia™ are created from the earth's most potent healing botanicals. Designed to restore balance, 024™ products are for people who choose to embrace life and not take pain lying down.
By incorporating an exclusive process, O24™ Pain Neutralizer & O24 Fibromyalgia™ allow nature's medicine to work alone and more powerfully for long-lasting pain relief without alcohol, glycerin, synthetics or preservatives. It gets to the pain fast - with nothing getting in the way.
Website: www.O24zone.com
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Products, LLC. |

Transcript |
of 100% Hoodia gordonii, POWERSLIMTM is a pure, all-natural dietary supplement that
aids in weight loss through appetite suppression.
No more lifestyle-changing regimes. No unnatural
substances. With POWERSLIMTM, you can
lose weight safely and effectively by controlling
the amount you eat and allowing your body to naturally
burn off fat. POWERSLIMTM also offers
you unmatched benefits. With 400mg of quality-tested
Hoodia gordonii plant per capsule, it's the first
product of its kind widely available that packs
enough power to truly stop those hunger pangs.
Website: www.hoodiaproducts.com
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Passages Malibu |
Transcript |
Malibu offers a holistic approach to drug rehab
and alcohol rehab. Their methods offer total recovery
from addiction and show how to heal the underlying
causes of addiction, prevent relapse, and end
suffering. The Passages method offers hope with
an entirely different approach to rehab: alcohol
and drugs are never the problem, but the solutions
chosen by addicts and alcoholics to cope with
underlying conditions. Once the real problems
are uncovered and treated, the substance abuse
disappears. For more information on Passages Malibu
or the groundbreaking new book, “The Alcoholism
and Addiction Cure, A Holistic Approach to Total
Website: www.passagesmalibu.com
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Solucorp |
Transcript |
If you are
concerned about the pollution that fills our
skies, rivers, and landfills, then we have good
news for you. Solucorp Industries offers three
subsidiaries that can handle it all. They offer
Molecular Bonding System technology to clean and
stabilize heavy metals pollution; Integrated
Fixation Systems that can be used to prevent
future pollution problems, and Waste Innovation
Technology Solutions, a fine-tuning of the top
waste water treatment technology available. All
together, its clear that Solucorp is going to be
the leader in cleaning up our environment.
Website: www.solucorpltd.com
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Xango |

Xango |
Made from the
whole-fruit puree of the highly prized mangosteen
fruit, XanGo's proprietary formulation captures
the essence of this magical fruit universally
known as the "Queen of Fruits." XanGo
is the world's first and only product to contain
the whole fruit of the mangosteen. The proprietary
Xanthone Rich Formulation is patented.
- Health World News Health Care Marketing Pharma Marketing |
Spectrum Solutions |
“Recent scientific discoveries show that people can read better, improve work at home and on the job, as well as perform tasks more accurately with the help of BlueMax Lighting. Departing from the current 70 year-old technology, the new BlueMax Lighting builds on recent scientific research which shows that including all the colors of the rainbow and an extra splash of the blue, pupil size reduces and vision is increased without strain. Also, BlueMax Lighting stimulates the recently discovered “non-visual” cell in the eye which regulates the sleep cycle, along with reducing frustration, stress, anxiety and moods. Customers suffering from Sleep Deprivation, Seasonal Affective Disorder and Macular Degeneration report significant improvements with the regular use of BlueMax products.
- Health World News Health Care Marketing Pharma Marketing
Power Yoga |
Yoga |
With all the pressure to look
great, be healthy and happy, how do you achieve
that Hollywood look withoutletting your workout
drive you crazy? One man says he's got the answer
in his body, mind, spirit approach to workouts.
Mark Blanchard has been working with celebrities
for years, and now his Progressive Power Yoga
is available for use at home on DVD's.
Website: Progressive Power Yoga
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1 in 7 Women Will Develop Breast Cancer |
Breast Cancer is the leading
cancer in women…and 1 in 7 females will develop
invasive breast cancer within their lifetime,
according to the National Breast Cancer
Foundation. With almost a quarter of a million new
cases each year, breast cancer is one of the
leading killers of women in America.
- Health World News Health Care Marketing Pharma Marketing
Staying Safe and Fit during Swim season |
Millions of Americans head to
pools, beaches and lakes for fun in the sun each
summer. But there are some important safety and
health concerns you should keep in mind.
The National Safety Council
says drowning is the number one cause of death for
children younger than 15. According to the
American Red Cross, nearly 1,000 children age 14
and under drown in the U.S. each year. The
majority of the drowning occur in home swimming
pools and in most cases are preventable.
A new device on the market
can be used to teach kids and adults how to swim
and stay safe in the water. It’s called the
ProSwimmer and it works by holding the swimmer in
place and keeping them buoyant.
Doctors agree that swimming
is one of the best forms of exercise for people of
any age or fitness level. The ProSwimmer can help
keep you fit and can play a valuable role in a
wide variety of physical therapies.
Media Advisory
Usage Report
Fox News
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Gateway to Healthy Teeth |
How Dentistry.com became the leading portal on
the internet for the dental industry with over
12 million hits per month.
- Health World News Health Care Marketing Pharma Marketing
a non-profit raised over two BILLION dollars |
In a special
episode with actor John Schneider, HWN
goes behind the scenes of one of the nation's
most effective non-profit organizations, CHILDREN'S MIRACLE NETWORK which recently held the single most successful
fund raising event in televised history, raising
an unprecedented $229,000,000 to help 17 million
- Health World News Health Care Marketing Pharma Marketing

air pollution causing increasing sickness |
Each year, thousands of people
become ill because of "sick building syndrome"
at work and at home. Possible biological attacks
by terrorists are also a concern. Experts tell
us that the front-line defense for protection
of our indoor environments is the Heating, Ventilation,
and Air Conditioning industry. HWN spotlights Sanuvox, a leading HVAC company with an affordable
solution for unhealthy indoor air quality by destroying
mold, bacteria, viruses, and odors.
- Health World News Health Care Marketing Pharma Marketing
Health World News airs News about Health Organizations and Health Services around the World, Health World News is produced by TVA Productions, one of the top business television and film/video production studios on the West Coast. |
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